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In the fast-paced world we live in, achieving optimal health and performance requires a strategic approach that considers not only exercise routines but also dietary choices and lifestyle habits.

For active single adults like us dedicated to their fitness goals and to managing underlying health concerns, adopting a functional nutrition approach can be a game-changer.

By tracking food intake, symptoms, and digestion we can bring to our awareness the connections between our diet and how we feel, leading to insights that empower us to make targeted improvements. In this article, we’ll delve into the strategy of journaling these factors and how this approach can be a powerful tool to help enhance both physical and cognitive performance, heal digestive issues, and manage chronic health conditions.

Tracking Food Intake and Symptoms: Raising Awareness

As a proactive individual invested in your health and well-being, tracking your food intake goes beyond calorie counting. Instead, it provides a comprehensive understanding of how different foods impact your body. What and when you eat is more important than how much. By tracking your food intake, we can make connections between what you eat and how you feel afterward. Did that post-lunch energy crash correlate with a particular food? Did that surge of vitality after breakfast align with a certain habit? Did the sleepless nights occur often in specific circumstances? Did the joint pain persist despite proper recovery days? This tracking process empowers you to be aware of your diet and habits based on your body’s unique responses, leading to personalized changes that can improve vitality and overall well-being.

Uncovering Patterns through Tracking

For those dealing with underlying health conditions, like digestive issues or chronic diseases, journaling can be an important and accessible tool to assess and manage their concerns. By keeping a record of symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation, and stomach ache you can identify trends and patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed and unaddressed but most likely influence your well-being. Perhaps there’s a connection between your stomach ache and a specific food group you consume. Or maybe your gas is consistent after consuming certain meals. Skin rashes? It might be rooted in the health of your gut. The information gathered enables us to investigate further to point out potential triggers and recommend diet changes to address symptoms, ultimately focusing on the terrain where the symptoms grew roots.

Calories Intake vs. Quality Nutrition

Focusing solely on calorie intake isn’t the most effective approach to achieving your health and performance goals. It’s a busted myth and a topic for a different article. Rather, it’s the quality of the calories you consume that truly matters. A functional nutrition perspective encourages you to prioritize nutrient-dense foods over empty calories. Whole, unprocessed foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants provide your body with the building blocks it needs to thrive. Instead of fixating on calorie counts, concentrating on nourishing foods is far more beneficial to your body in supporting your active lifestyle and addressing your specific health concerns. But to really capture what’s going on in there, it’s important to stick to your regular diet and habits when journaling.

Things to consider…

Food quality, meal timing, and macronutrient balance are relevant factors to consider when connecting the dots uncovered in a Food Journal. For the active adult who exercises purposefully, they play crucial roles, as they influence your energy levels and recovery. Tracking your food intake and symptoms and including your exercise routine into the mix gives you the extra important bit of information to notice how these factors relate to how you feel, perform, and recover. Stress, sleep, and hydration are other important elements to consider.

Working on improving both physical and cognitive performance and managing digestive issues or chronic conditions, can be a big challenge. Functional nutrition offers a holistic approach to achieving your goals, and a Journal can be an excellent tool to unlock insights that motivate you to utilize nutritional strategies that serve your unique physiological responses.


  1. Track and Connect: Start tracking your food intake and symptoms to uncover how your diet affects your well-being. Connect the dots between what you eat and how you feel.
  2. Stay curious and aware: This tool is meant to give you information and insights. No judgments here.
  3. Download my free “Food, Symptoms and Digestion Tracker” and get started.
  4. Get Expert Guidance: Consider consulting a functional nutrition coach. They can help analyze your data, spot trends, and recommend personalized nutrition strategies for improved performance and health care.